Women's Imaging & Breast Care Center

Breast Cancer Care on the West Bank

Women's Imaging is located at 4521 Westbank Expressway in the West Jefferson Medical Plaza. Our dedicated and certified staff have advanced skills in mammography, bone density, stereotactic biopsies, ultrasound technology, and is ACR Accredited (American College of Radiology).

Call 504.349.6300 to schedule an appointment or 504.349.6085 for additional information.

The Women's Imaging and Breast Care Center features:

  • Two 2D Digital Mammography units, in addition to Digital Computer Assisted Technology (CAD)
  • 3D-Tomosynthesis, the latest technology available in both screening and diagnostic mammography studies
  • A stereotactic procedure room which allows for additional diagnostic technology and minimally invasive procedures to diagnose breast abnormalities within one week
  • Two bone density rooms and one ultrasound room, capable of performing ultrasound-guided breast biopsies

Personalized & convenient medical services

The Women's Imaging and Breast Care Center is a comprehensive diagnostic center designed to offer rapid response for the needs of the patients. Arrangements are made to meet each patient's medical needs in the speediest and most effective manner.

With the help of a breast navigator, this type of dedicated and individualized service makes it possible for the patient's diagnostic course to begin as soon as possible.

Our services include:

  • Digital Mammography with CAD technology
  • 2D mammograms
  • 3D-Tomosynthesis mammograms
  • Breast ultrasounds
  • Ductograms
  • Sterotactic Breast Biopsy
  • Ultrasound-Guided Biopsy
  • Ultrasound-Guided Aspirations
  • Screening and Diagnostic mammography (physician referral NOT required for Screening Mammograms)
  • Bone Density Scans

For your convenience, patient registration is on-site and walk-in screening patients are accommodated. Hours of operation are 8 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, and Saturday appointments are available. Parking on site is available.

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